Di Pierro Simone vince in USA

Di Pierro Simone vince in USA

Di Pierro SImone
Di Pierro SImone

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Italian winner in California

It was really an international tournament held on monday in Simi Valley, California as the guys of the Socal club had two european guets for the "Eureka Cup". Terry Edge from England and Simone Di Pierro from Italy attended the event and a total of six players were taking part. After the round robin, Wayne Smith came on top of the table while Simone Di Pierro was second. Both players qualified for the final and Simone beat Wayne (1-0) to win the title. Paul O'Donovan was 3rd, Rob Tucker 4th, Varant Kurkeyerian 5th and Terry Edge 6th.


Campionato interno  "Brasilia Championship 2017/2018"

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Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica BRASILIA CALCIO TAVOLO SUBBUTEO


Via Salvatore Cutelli

presso Centro Sociale A. Gasbarri



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